May 05, 2011

What is Google Adwords?

What is Google Adwords?

Recently there was a guest post on our blog about publicizing a website through Google Adwords. But there are many people who wont be aware of what Google Adwords is?
Google Adwords is a contextual advertising company by Google that displays ads onGoogle search pages and Sites running Google Adsense.Running a Google adwordscampaign can fetch lots of traffic and publicity to your product and will definitely bring rise in publicity of your product. If somebody wishes to market his/her website or product online through google, there are two options available to you.
  • PPC-Pay Per Click.
  • PPM: Pay Per Metric.
In PPC your advertisement will be contextual type and will only appear on Google search pages on the right side like in the screen shot .

In case of Pay Per Metric you can have banner ads as well which will be displayed on sites that are running Google Adsense like ours.
According to wikipedia Google Adwords is the primary source of income for Google.
Google adwords has reserved specific rates for specific keywords based on competition in the industry. Soon we will be taking up another articles on How to run a google adwordscampaign??.
Google Adwords provides full suport for  first time users. An engineer is allotted to you for the first time who will tell you the keywords and bids you are to keep for your product.
If you have a limited budget then you can choose PPM else PPC is better than PPM. As I talked about bidding we will be taking up in our next post about all the details regarding terms related to Google Adwords and campaigns.

By the time you can feel free to share your views and asking any kind of queries.