May 20, 2011

Google ChromeBook

Chromebooks are built and optimized for the web, where you already spend most of your computing time. So you get a faster, simpler and more secure experience without all the headaches of ordinary computers.
          As expected this week Google are putting a lot of effort in to their new Chrome OS which for us geeks is a pretty interesting concept and for the man on the street could change the way we all think about computers. Launched today at IO the video below explains a lot but the main point is that a lot of the things we do these days on a computer are stored in the cloud in one shape or another. We save out email online, many of us use online document editors and calendars so Google is tapping in to that by offering a new series of computers with partners Acer and Samsung that will do nothing apart from give you access to the web. These will be cheap computers that last a full days charge and that strip away all the excess and leave you with nothing but the web. All the talk in recent months on this blog has been about Google squaring up to Facebook in the battle for social but with this latest move they have their oldest enemy Microsoft in the cross hairs and are very much trying to make the traditional Windows operating system a thing of the past. So just what is a Google Chromebook?

Instant web

Chromebooks boot in 8 seconds and resume instantly. Your favorite websites load quickly and run smoothly, with full support for the latest web standards and Adobe® Flash®. In fact, Chromebooks are designed to get faster over time as updates are released.

Always connected*

It's easy to get connected anytime and anywhere with built-in Wi-Fi and 3G. As your Chromebook boots up, it quickly connects to your favorite wireless network so you're on the web right from the start. 3G models include a free 100 MB per month of mobile data from Verizon Wireless so you can keep working around home and on the go. Learn more about 3G.

Same experience everywhere

Your apps, documents, and settings are stored safely in the cloud. So even if you lose your computer, you can just log in to another Chromebook and get right back to work.

Amazing web apps

Every Chromebook runs millions of web apps, from games to spreadsheets to photo editors. Thanks to the power of HTML5, many apps keep working even in those rare moments when you're not connected. Visit the Chrome Web Store to try the latest apps, or just type in a URL. No CDs required. Learn more about the Chrome Web Store.

Friends let friends log in

Chromebooks are easy to share with family and friends. They can log in to experience all of their own Chrome settings, apps, and extensions, or use Guest Mode to browse privately. Either way, no one else using your Chromebook will have access to your email and personal data.

Forever fresh

Your Chromebook gets better and better over time, unlike a traditional PC. When you turn it on, it updates itself. Automatically. All of your apps stay up-to-date, and you get the latest and greatest version of the operating system without having to think about it. Annoying update prompts not included.

Security built in

Chromebooks run the first consumer operating system designed from the ground up to defend against the ongoing threat of malware and viruses. They employ the principle of "defense in depth" to provide multiple layers of protection, including sandboxing, data encryption, and verified boot. Learn more about security.

For more details on ChromeBook please:Click Here